Soundproofing Fences – Do they really work? (2023)

When you’re outside in your garden, you want to enjoy the peace and quiet. But what if you live along a busy road or the neighbors ‘ kids are constantly making noise? Making your fence soundproof is one of the things you can do to reduce this noise.

What’s causing noise in your yard?

There are several factors that allow you to interfere with sound in the garden. Think about constantly passing cars when you live on a busy road. Or by the waterfall in the neighbor’s pond that clatters in the water Day and night. But the neighbors ‘ kids can also be a nuisance if they play outside. Not everyone will experience this as disturbing, and if the inconvenience is not the whole time, then it can be lived with. But if it does bother you then there are of course possibilities to make your fence a little more silenced.

Fences are often made of wood. The boards are then pressed against each other, or on and off against a slab.

Soundproof Fence
Example of fence with alternating planks

As you can see in the picture above, there is space between the boards. This allows the sound to pass through easily and these bulkheads do not have such a high dampening effect. The same applies to the bulkheads where the boards are scraped together. Often these board panels are only a single layer of boards, which also makes it easy to make noise, because Wood does not have a very high sound insulation value.

Rubber mats for noise

An option that you can do to make your yard fence soundproof is to attach No products found. against or between your fence. Rubber has a very sound absorbing effect. The downside of rubber against your fence screws is that it doesn’t look very nice. But this could cheer you up by putting plants in front of it.

Coconut mats for noise

Another option for a soundproof fence is to make it from coconut. This can be done in two ways: from coconut mats, or from coconut shells. Coconut, like rubber, has a high sound absorbing effect. This partly stops the noise of, for example, a busy road at the fence. The advantage of coconut is that it also looks beautiful and natural.

Coconut Husks
Coconut Husks
Coconut Mats
Coconut Mats

The coconut mats are made of coconut fibres. This is made up of long thick wires and attached to each other. Behind the kokosmat is an insulation plate for additional silencing. And on the back are the same coconut wires as on the front. They reduce noise by 30 dB. And if you know that with a decrease of 6 dB, the sound in your garden is already halving, then you can imagine how well this works.

The coconut shells are slightly less sound absorbent than the coconut mats. This is mainly because there is space between the shells and there is no insulating plate between them.

The nice thing about these Coconut Shells is that you can easily grow a ivy or other plant against it to dress the fence even more fun.

Plants against noise pollution in Garden

Instead of a wooden or concrete fence you can of course also make a fence from plants. Or put plants in front of your current fence to improve the silencing. Plants do not have as good silencing as the options described above, but you can make your fence soundproof by putting a row of bushes in front of your fence.

Best way to make fence soundproof

It’s hard to say what’s the best way to soundproof your fence now. It’s also about budget. The coconut mats are a lot more expensive to buy than a simple rubber mat. The downside is that it often doesn’t look like it.

The best option for us is to do a combination of things. So make a rubber mat, or maybe even rubber tiles in a nice pattern, against the fence and put a ivy or something against it. You’ll have a nice green soundproof fence in a year.

Do you have experience making soundproofing a fence? Leave a comment below.

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