StudioBricks Review – StudioBricks Vocal Booth (2023)

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A problem most musicians and voice-over artists run into once in a while is recording a lot of background noise along with your instruments/voice.

But before starting the article let us check out the best vocal booths available in the market, and keep on reading to see how Studiobricks stands out from the rest.

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We’re constantly surrounded by errant noises. While most of these noises are low volume or quite far off, some of them can be extremely loud, and irritating, hindering the progress of your work.

No musician is a stranger to staying up late at night, shutting all of the doors and windows, fans and AC’s, just to get a good, clean, noise-free take of whatever they’re recording.

Now, you could keep working that way in the silence of the night, when everyone is asleep, or you could try something new and exciting which will completely change your life as a recording artist.

StudioBricks is a Barcelona start-up founded by Guillermo Jungbauer which makes and sells soundproof studios that will alter your ways of working forever.

Home studio booths have been around for a long time, but they’re usually expensive, tough to assemble and work at a sub-par level, but StudioBricks is here to change all that. In this article, we’re going to provide an in-depth StudioBricks review on all aspects of the product, from assembly to price.

StudioBricks Vocal Booth – What You Should Know?

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StudioBricks began as a company in 2008 and created a USA subsidy in 2014. According to Jungbauer, “The StudioBricks sound isolation booths are designed to be incredibly fast and easy to install without compromising the booth’s excellent sound isolating properties.

This is achieved thanks to its modular panels, which are built of high-performance sound-isolating materials and can simply be slotted together.”

In 2017, the company sold 1053 booths and their sales are expected to keep rising for the upcoming years. “About 10 years ago I created the first booth as rehearsal space out of my own need as a saxophonist,” said Jungbauer. “I developed the first bricks with acoustic engineers already having in mind the market possibilities.”

StudioBricks Vocal Booth

The system includes a ventilation system, a heavy, sound-proof door, and solid, sound-proofed wall panels. StudioBricks also aims to keep the planet healthy and wants to be as eco-friendly as possible. “From the beginning on, StudioBricks aims to be eco-friendly.

We are in a continuous process of improvement and have a strong commitment with the environment,” said Jungbauer. “That means that both on an organisational level and product level we are improving continuously our processes and product, considering the best options regarding the environment.

For example, years ago we changed our lacquer to a water-based one. Our plant is the first and right now only in Spain using a biomass-based central heating boiler.”

StudioBricks Review: Covering Almost Every Aspect

StudioBricks One

StudioBricks prides itself on its precision. Their approach to their sound isolation studios is precision-engineering based and it clearly shows in their products.

The pieces simply slot together, leaving incredibly tight joints which results in a practical degree of sound isolation as well as well-controlled internal acoustics.

StudioBricks’ care for their customers is easily noticeable when you realise that they assemble and dismantle every single booth before shipping to make sure that their customers don’t have a tough time trying to assemble a damaged booth.

It usually takes about 20 mins for a trained professional to assemble a StudioBricks booth so you should allow up to an hour for yourself in case this is your first time doing something like this.

Another great feature of the StudioBricks One is the fact that, since it is a modular kit, you can buy and add additional parts to extend your booth in case it turns out that the one you ordered was too small.

This is great since you would generally have to return the entire booth and then order a new one with most other companies. The extensions can be in multiples of 300mm in either direction.

The basic model of the StudioBricks One vocal booth is based on a 140mm thick double-wall structure. For the booth to go together properly, the provided base, which has an MDF surface, must be absolutely level; there are height adjusters beneath to compensate for uneven floors, and a few minutes spent with a spirit level pays dividends later on. Each of the wall modules comprises CNC-machined MDF panels which sandwich a layer of acoustic insulation.

The edges are bevelled slightly, both to improve the aesthetics and to reduce the number of sharp corners that might get damaged. There are also corner posts. All these parts slot into the floor and into each other using something akin to a tenon-joint topography, forming a tight acoustical and mechanical seal.

The flawlessly smooth paint finish (off-white on the review model, but other colours are available) makes the outer skin look like plastic, and when complete the booth looks very classy indeed

StudioBricks Price – How Much Does It Cost?

Although StudioBricks may seem expensive, it is rather cheap when compared to other sound isolation booths that work on par with StudioBricks. On average, you would be required to pay around $10,000 for one StudioBrick booth, including shipping. This price will vary depending on which model you order if you require any additional changes, and where you live (since that will change the shipping price).


Here are a few of the best aspects of StudioBricks and why we think you should get one.

  1. Excellent sound isolation quality.
  2. Easy to assemble.
  3. Cheaper than other products on the market.
  4. Additional changes, such as adding panels, can be done upon request.


Here are some of the less likeable aspects of StudioBricks.

  1. Takes about 6 weeks to deliver.
  2. You may require help assembling it since most of the parts are quite heavy.


All in all, StudioBricks is an exceptionally innovative startup that cares about the product it is making and also the world around it. The cost of the product is cheap and the ratings have been almost exclusively positive. A great investment for someone who is serious about their craft.

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